I'm Still a Mommy

Welcome to my new blog (like I don't have enough already). This blog is all about how to be a mother -- or how not to be a mother, whichever fits. 

My sons are both long ago moved out and on their own. It's been a really hard road sometimes, but I'm still their mom. We have not always had the best of relationships, and I was not always the best mother. I wish I had had someone to take me under their wing and show me how to mother better, but there were not decent mothers in my family to do that.

So here I am at 60, with only advice to give on what NOT to do and how to rebuild a relationship with children who don't actually want you to be their mother. It's taken me many years, and one son is still a little hostile toward me, but I've done, and do, all I can and now it's up to them.


Unknown said...

You can't have too many blogs, right? Ok, you definitely can, but when the ideas and words keep coming, it's hard to say no! I look forward to reading more posts. :)

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